About Us

Welcome to The Green Kind

Hi! I’m Jess, creator of the Green Kind.

I love the outdoors, reading, weight training (the gym is my second home) and the occasional G&T. I’m an allotment holder working towards organic gardening and I’m passionate about living a slower more self-sufficient lifestyle. I believe that it can be done regardless of budget and situatuon and without guilt. Join me in my journey.

The Green Kind wouldn’t be possible without my amazing partner Chris. Together we are on a mission to create a space for sharing our adventures on our allotment and making a more sustainable living as well as the things we learn along the way.

Our Mission

At The Green Kind, our mission is clear – to inspire and empower individuals to adopt eco-friendly practices, cultivate sustainable habits, and embrace slow living. We believe that small, intentional choices can collectively create a significant positive impact on the planet.

What You’ll Find Here

  1. Eco-Friendly Living Tips: Discover practical and achievable ways to reduce your ecological footprint.
  2. Sustainable Living Insights: Dive into the world of sustainable living. Explore the latest trends, innovations, and eco-friendly products that align with our commitment to a healthier planet.
  3. Gardening updates: Learn with me as I explore organic living and self-sufficiency on my allotment.

Join the Community

This blog is not just about me – it’s about all of us coming together to create a greener, more sustainable world. Join our community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about preserving the planet for future generations. Share your experiences, tips, and ideas in the comments section and connect with us on social media.

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